Physical Therapy
Nichan has been working in the bleeding disorders community since 1994, when he joined the Sainte-Justine Pediatric/Adult Comprehensive Hemostasis and Inhibitor Center comprehensive care team.
Nichan has regularly volunteered since 1998 for the Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS) and Quebec Chapter, as well as the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH). Since 2000, he has been a regular faculty member at hemophilia congresses and workshops and, has traveled to over 20 countries to teach about physiotherapy in bleeding disorders.
He also led the Canadian Physiotherapists in Hemophilia Care, as a co-chair, from 2002 until 2006.
In recognition of his achievements, he received the CHS Award of Appreciation in 2005, the Quebec Chapter’s Award of Appreciation in 2009 and the prestigious WFH Inga Marie Nilsson Award in 2010.
Nichan has been a member of IPSG’s Expert Physical Therapy Working Group since its inception as a co-developer of the Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS).
1. ‘Train-the-Trainer’: an effective and successful model to accelerate training and improve physiotherapy services for persons with haemophilia in China. Chen, L., Sun, J., Hilliard, P., Zourikian, N., Hang, M., Blanchette, V., Poon, M.-C. and Luke, K. Haemophilia 2013
2. An ‘ice age’ concept? The use of ice in the treatment of acute haemarthrosis in haemophilia. Forsyth, A. L., Zourikian, N., Rivard, G.-E. and Valentino, L. A. Haemophila 2013
3. The effect of cooling on coagulation and haemostasis: Should “Ice” be part of treatment of acute haemarthrosis in haemophilia? Forsyth, A. L., Zourikian, N., Valentino, L. A. and Rivard, G. E. Haemophilia 2012
4. Physiotherapy Evaluation and Intervention in the Acute Hemarthrosis: Challenging the Paradigm, in Current and Future Issues in Hemophilia Care. Zourikian N and Forsyth A (ch. 30, eds E.-C. Rodríguez-Merchán and L. A. Valentino), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 2011
5. Validation of a new pediatric joint scoring system from the international prophylaxis study group: Validity of the Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS). Feldman BM, Funk SM, Bergstrom BM, Zourikian N, Hillard P, Van der Net J, Engelbert R, Petrini P, van den Berg HM, Manco Johnson MJ. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2011
6. Comprehensive elements of a physiotherapy exercise programme in haemophilia – A global perspective. Review article. Blamey G, Forsyth A, Zourikian N, Short L, Jankovic N, De Kleijn P, and Flannery T. Haemophilia 2010
7. Orthopaedic surgery in haemophilia patients with inhibitors: a practical guide to haemostatic, surgical and rehabilitative care. Teitel JM, Carcao M, Lillicrap D, Mulder K, Rivard GE, St-Louis J, Smith F, Walker I, and Zourikian N. Haemophilia 2009
8. Physiotherapy following elective orthopaedic procedures. De Kleijn P, Blamey G, Zourikian N, Dalzell R, and Lobet S Haemophilia 2006